Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Around the house

As a wise man once said, "Now for something completely different!"

Fun things that have happened lately
  • The boys got their own rooms!  We spent the last couple of months spending an hour and a half each night trying to calm the boys down for bed, the bedtime routine that worked so well suddenly stopped working and our monkey boy (SU4) would lead the revolution against bedtime.  We got tired of yelling, time outs, screaming boys, the inevitable injuries from physically tantruming children.  So we split them up, moving Lanse's office to the loft, and converting the blue room into a perfect room for SU3.  They have their names on the doors, each got to tell Lanse where to hang posters on the walls, they are reveling (somewhat) in having their own clothes in their own closets and dressers, and - most importantly - the bedtime routine is back to twenty minutes now that monkey boy doesn't have an audience.  
  • While the boys were mid-switch, we bit the bullet and hired our friends from church to tear out the cat-pee-soaked carpet and install wood laminate.  We finally got rid of the smell, (drenched the sub-floor with Nature's Miracle) and the rooms look fabulous.  I'll try to post pictures when I get them off my phone.
  • SU3 is officially accepted for the Head Start program in August!  SUCH relief!  SU4 will be starting the public school 4K program, which is slotted for at risk kids, and they'll both be at the same amazing arts-infused school.  I'm so thrilled!  Oddly, due to differences in funding, SU4 will go to school for three hours every morning (standard half-day Kindergarten), but SU3's Head Start program is six hours - a full day of school!  I'm almost wondering if I can go unenroll SU4 and get him into the Head Start program as well, but I think there will be future benefits for him starting public now, as they'll get all his therapies on file while they're still (hopefully) with us.  SU3 is sufficiently adjusted that he won't be needing special services from public.
  • We got ourselves a mew kitten from the SPCA!  Her name is Moonlight, aka Moony, she's black and sleek - extremely short haired - looks a bit like an enormous rat.  She also has huge eyes and ears and I called her Dobby for a while.  She's been microchipped, and it costs $20 to change a name on there, so we'll stick to Moony until we can't stand it anymore.  In three minutes we head to the vet for her first post-adoption check up.  She and SU3 have hit it off, which is a lot of fun to watch, though SU4 really doesn't seem to like her... though he tries.
  • SU3 "Where are we going?"  SU4 "We're going to the church nervous!" (service)
  • SU3 (upside-down) "Momma, get me out of stuck!" 

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