Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tentative return to blogging

And within a month, just before Christmas, we went from no contact with birth family to a family placement and empty house.  The chaos of the summer and autumn, and then the horrible gutwrenching devestation in the following months of winter, had the reasonable result of no blogging.  There was no way that I could put my feelings into words, nor could I really even think about any topics related to this blog that didn't dissolve me into tears or depression. 

After a bit of healing time, we were blessed with little Dubs, a new SU3.5.  He's resilient, and not currently in need of any additional therapies, which is a blessing.  He's also young and male and been through a lot, and we're constantly in odds with the opinions of others in his "care team", for lack of a better descriptive term. 

And that's about all I've got at the moment.  Hopefully I can think of more to write later.