Thursday, February 12, 2009

This morning

As anticipated, I'm much better after having had a night's sleep. Lanse was also very wonderful in letting me cry and vent, speaking some rationality into whatever brain I had left at the time, and praying with me. While we're always taking our feelings and thoughts under advisement, no changes are being made right now, which is good. And we're done with training for a small bit, which is also good... and I'm focusing on teenagers this week for school, which we're not adopting, so that's also good. I have to find a small mental vacation somehow. But overall, it's all good. For the moment.


Elizabeth said...

As usual for me, and maybe you, the morning light helps to dispel some of the anguish I may have felt the night before.

i want to encourage you by saying that adoption and pregnancy is always a choice of giving over to God your desires and asking God to provide what he chooses. Children born from your own womb may also have scars that come from being born of a sinful nature and as a parent all you can do is love them through whatever struggle they are going through. So adoption or childbirth run "risks". All we know for SURE is that God will be beside is through all of it. Always. Forever. Full Stop.

Don't let the evil one trip you up by having you focus on the negative possibilities. He doesn't understand what love can do.

Elizabeth said...

As usual for me, and maybe you, the morning light helps to dispel some of the anguish I may have felt the night before.

i want to encourage you by saying that adoption and pregnancy is always a choice of giving over to God your desires and asking God to provide what he chooses. Children born from your own womb may also have scars that come from being born of a sinful nature and as a parent all you can do is love them through whatever struggle they are going through. So adoption or childbirth run "risks". All we know for SURE is that God will be beside is through all of it. Always. Forever. Full Stop.

Don't let the evil one trip you up by having you focus on the negative possibilities. He doesn't understand what love can do.

Unknown said...

First thing first: Do not let the what if's trip you up. If this is trully what you and your husband feel God has called you too than you must keep in mind not one is or will be perfect or meet all the standards or criteria you may have for what you expect. The fact of the matter is you have to approach each child as a miracle from God Himself. You will be surprised!! God had us throw our standards out for the children we were willing to adopt once we started fostering. You see God took us to that point not for us feel heartbroken over what baggage a child may or maynot have but to see God make a difference through prayer, love, and His presence. Now granted there are some things we have the wisdom from God to know we would not have what a particular child needs; however He has also taken us beyond our boundaries. I and my husband has had our up's and downs; but God always sends us blessings from each child's uniqueness that suprises us each time. You have to remember you are adopting; and with that: before that child gets to you they have gone through a great deal and nothing can change that. However you have a strength to teach them how to heal and overcome anything through God. As with birthing a child there still is no guarantee what will come out! Yet you love them! Just as you would teach that child how to heal, love, respect, overcome in the very nature of Jesus Christ so you will with any child. There will be a special bond even through adoption!!!