Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fire Inspection - Scheduled!

Thanks for your prayers; they're working! Bert got through today and scheduled us for Feb. 27th at 9:00am-ish. After that it's just her putting together the final homestudy document and we're ready to start looking. In the meantime, we have two more online classes to take (about two evenings) and we'll be ready on our end. Good times.

All he's looking for are smoke detectors, a fire extinguisher, and he's going to measure the windows to be sure a fully geared firefighter can fit through them. Sounds pretty straightforward.

Prayers are still good though. Thanks!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I'm so glad that got scheduled, hooray!

I never considered if a firefighter could fit through our windows - there's no way! We have tall, skinny windows.