Thursday, November 20, 2008

Play structure & pets

Flossy asked why we'd have to dismantle the play structure. There's a picture of it; on the left is where the slide attaches and in the middle we have two swings, a chin up bar, and a set of rings. All those parts are in the shed; this picture was taken when we were preparing for 'Never-Became-a-Hurricane Hanna'.

If you look closely, you will notice that the left corner where the slide attaches is broken, and there are a number of slats missing in the upper level. The upper level is a square shape; and yet, it is braced by a center beam. So when you stand on the end it rocks very unsteadily. The ladder stairs are spaced quite far apart, (it's hard for me to climb up,) and up-close real life observation (not shown in the photo) you can see where some of the wood is splitting. Most of the concerning bit is up on the top level, so our choices right now are to either repair the whole thing, remove the upper level and shorten the swing section (it also takes up a lot of the yard, so I'd like to make it a bit smaller) and repair the slide and ladder, or just tear it all down. We honestly can't decide, so we want to get our social worker's opinion on whether not deciding right now is going to harm the inspection results.

Additional update information: after half-heartedly tearing the house apart looking for the vet records, new copies are now in the mail. For whatever crazy reason, the state wants proof that our pets won't spread rabies if they attack the children. Silly state. :)

State, if you're reading, that there was sarcasm. As far as logic tells me, our cats are up to date on vaccinations and never ever bite, unless... ya know... the toy you're taunting them with is small enough they get fingers by mistake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow that thing is a monster....smaller is nice for yard space....we have a fairly compact one that Mike put together a few years don't use it as much has we thought they would they are definite fans of park playgrounds....i think because they always want some playmates~