Monday, October 30, 2006

October 30, 2006

Second Adoption Meeting

Well, it seems to have gone well. We arrived at 8:00, and didn't leave until after 12:00. Last meeting was a few hours of writing paperwork; this meeting was all interview questions about our families and past and who we are and things. Lanse found it to be really draining, but we were both surprised at how it really didn't get horribly deep. It also appears that we've combined sessions; during our first meeting she did all of the meeting 1 stuff, and half of the meeting 2 stuff. This time we did the rest of meeting 2 stuff and all of meeting 3. So we only have one more meeting, which will take place here at our house when all the rest of our paperwork and stuff is done. That can't finish up until I'm healthy, (for those of you out of the know, I have pneumonia again), because medical tests are part of it.

The next biggest thing to do (besides bloodwork and fingerprinting) is prepping the house for her inspection. Aside from a good deep clean, I'd like to strip the wallpaper in the bathroom and clean the walls. Anyway, I guess that's the news at this point. Thanks so much for your prayers! Please keep on praying. She's going to be emailing us websites with photolistings so we can get started on screening through kids! Pray that we'll have overflowing discernment and not fall in love with every needy face we see. :)

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