Friday, November 12, 2010

CI Interview II Report

Yesterday the CI called and said she had a cancellation for this morning, so we took it! Speed is always a good thing. She arrived at 8:30 and left a little after 10:00, and the questions weren't as intense as they were on Wednesday. Topics covered today:
  • Child checklist: what behaviors/history/disabilities are we willing/not willing to accept/consider in a child/birth family. While this sounds difficult (and it is) because everything on the list could happen to anyone, the choices need to be made as to what needs, if any, we're simply not physically able or prepared to meet. Not being prepared to deal with basic needs while a child is recovering from trauma is something they'd like to avoid in general. That said, almost everything on the list (as far as behaviors) are developmentally appropriate for the age range we're looking at, so this part wasn't really that complicated.
  • Level of comfort/concerns/personal perspectives on continuing birth family/important other people contact
  • Finances and Will/future plans for child
  • How would you respond if... child/family/public did/said...
  • How will you address the concept of adoption/questions/birth family search (when older) with the child
  • How will you handle child/adult offering information on trauma/details 
  • Importance of our faith/plans for child
  • Plans for discipline/views of child development
  • Plans for daily child care/babysitters/respite providers 
Then we showed her around the house (Katharine, she approved of the bathrooms! Thank you!) and she made lots of notes, and that was that!

So now we wait again. But it sounds like we won't wait very long, at least not with her part. She will write up what she has to write up and submit it to our social worker at the beginning of next week, and call us to let us know she submitted it. Then our social worker will make any corrections and send it back to her, she'll make the changes, resubmit, and call us again. She estimates that process will be done before we travel for the holiday. Then, over our trip, they'll (theoretically) get the paperwork to the county foster office and we'll go from there.

I really have no idea if we'll have a placement right away, but there's potential. We have not yet been assigned a foster care social worker, so we'll have to get connected there and find out what we need to complete the clearance. But if they're as motivated as the CI, we could... maybe... have a child for Christmas. I'm starting to get excited again, but still feeling like I probably shouldn't quite yet.

The CI also asked if we were being foster cleared for multiple counties, which is something that hadn't come up as a possibility. There's apparently a much higher need for foster care in Charleston County, which is not our county, so if we can get multiple clearances, it may help things move more quickly as well. We'll follow up on that when we hear from our social worker.

Again, and always, thank you for your ongoing prayers!


Anonymous said...

interesting! i would have thought they'd clear for all counties within the state automatically.

Lauren said...

I'm loving these hope-filled posts and am so glad that things are moving along :) I'll remember you in prayer...