Saturday, October 9, 2010

DSS homestudy update

Here's a quick update for anyone still following along.  We've gone through the training weekend, which was incredibly informational and a bit overwhelming just to do it all in one weekend.  Our fire inspection is next Friday, our paperwork is all in, and then we just wait for the reference letters to arrive and we're good to move forward. 

After our adoption worker has all our information, she'll meet with us (I believe) and we'll get to know each other, and figure out what to do next.  I think we'll be working with both her and a foster care worker in Dorchester county (adoption is regionally handled, foster care is county level), so we'll be getting more information on that.

And that's all we know right now.  Please keep praying!! 

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Awesome! Thanks for the update. Can't wait to hear how things progress...