Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Anxiety - Social Worker Home Visit

The final meeting of our home study is here at the house tomorrow morning around 10. Bert will be inspecting the house, as well as doing other final meeting related conversation and paperwork; I'm not sure what all is involved. While she's not the official safety inspection person, we wanted to have as much as possible obviously begun so she knows we Really Really Mean It.

Yesterday we installed all the child locks and things to wind the blind cords around and outlet covers (except the spiffy ones for power strips I couldn't find at the store) and the tipsy bookshelves bolted to the wall and the main areas of the house straightened and our bedroom cleaned (it had become a catch-all kind of room). The hardwoods are swept and the main bathroom is clean. I was also appalled by the large chunks of paint peeling off the front porch steps, so I scraped it and put a coat of paint on yesterday morning (with 48 hours exactly to dry, and yes, the weather was just on the cold side of acceptable for painting). The paint went on really thin, more like a stain, and all I can think is that I didn't stir it enough, since it's definitely a can of acrylic top coat exterior porch paint. No clue. It was in the garage from the previous owners, so maybe they added something to it. But at least the porch is now an 'in process' project and not a 'bad home owner' mess.

Today we have to prepare the back bedroom (kids' room that's also been a catch-all), deal with a few random piles of miscellaneous stuff, vacuum and mop where necessary, wash kitten nose prints off the windows, dust the furniture, and clean the master bathroom. Also have to call a vet and make an appointment. Then, perhaps, we'll be ready.

I'm trying to decide what I can bake that will make the house smell lovely. We need a loaf of bread, but I don't want to have to get it out of the machine while she's here, and I'm not getting up at 6 to put it in. So maybe I'll make muffins or cookies or something. Maybe cinnamon rolls, since it's a morning meeting. Suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

What about a quick bread like banana or apple? You can mix the wet and dry ingredients in separate bowls and have them ready to combine in the morning and throw in the oven. We use vanilla and cinnamon in our recipes so the house smells delicious and it's faster and easier than a yeast dough.

Let us know how the visit goes! :)