Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10, 2007

Sorry it's been a while. I'm going to rant for a minute, because I'm pissed. We had only one short meeting left in NY for our homestudy to be approved when Lanse lost his job. We moved to SC, with the full assurances of the NY people that we could transfer things as soon as we "got settled". So, I called the NY office -and- the SC office the last week of July, and was told they'd call me back as soon as the director talked to the other director. When I didn't hear anything, I called again the second week of August. And again the third week of September. And the first week of October. NO ONE HAS CALLED US OR (I assume) TRANSFERRED OUR RECORDS. Keep in mind that I'm talking directly to the directors of the state offices, not just a secretary.

And we just got a letter - TO THE ADDRESS WE HAVEN'T LIVED AT IN SIX MONTHS - telling us that the agency newsletter, which we get as long as we're involved with the agency, will stop arriving unless we send them a donation.


I am severely incensed. Of course, I get all riled up after business hours. *sigh* I hope I can rile myself up again tomorrow afternoon when I can call and yell at them.

I don't know whether or not to be just done with them. It could either be one of those things where we're supposed to fight for it, (I've heard that a -lot- of agencies depend on the adopting families to keep on top of things), or if God's trying to tell us to do something else, agency-wise. I'm not willing to give up kids yet. So I dunno. I give them ONE more phone call, in which I give time and date of all my other phone calls, and see if anything happens by the end of the week. Possibly.

Pray for wisdom for us, and God opening our eyes to His will.

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